Repository Management
Show repository browser Opens the Repository Browser window. |
Show remote hosted repositories Show the Repository Browser and select the Remote section. |
Bookmark open repositories... Prompts to add selected repositories to the Repository Browser. |
UI Customization
Show/Hide sidebar Toggle the current repository's sidebar (branches, tags, and more.) |
Show/Hide command history Toggle the current repository's command history to view details. |
File status view Switch to the file browser and commit preparation area. |
History view Switch to the primary commit history browser area. |
Search view Switch to the commit history search area. |
Show/Hide branch labels Toggle the visibility of branch labels in commit history graphs for all repositories. |
Show/Hide tag labels Toggle the visibility of tag labels in commit history graphs for all repositories. |
Show/Hide build status Toggle the visibility of the Build Status column in the History view for the current repository. |
Git Actions
Fetch... Retrieve the current repository's branches, tags, and history from the remote server. |
Interactive rebase... Start interactively updating a branch's content to align with another. |
Add/Link subtree... Connect another repository to act like a descendent of the current repository, instead of a remote dependency. |
Unstage from index Remove the selected item(s) from the staging area prior to committing. |
Mercurial Actions
Update Retrieve the current repository's state from the remote server. |
Archive Save an archival copy of the repository. |
Repository Actions
Migrate to Bitbucket Cloud... Configure and migrate the current repository to Bitbucket Cloud. |
Repository settings... Configure settings for the current repository. |
Refresh Reload the current repository's commit history graph, file status, and build status. |
Refresh remote status Reload the current repository's status from the remote server. |
Commit... Go to current repository's File Status view, focus the message editor, and populate with a message template if available. |
Revert... or Reset... Begin reverting one or more of the current repository's in-progress changes. |
Stash or Shelve Save the current repository's in-progress changes for later use. |
Push... Send local commits for the current repository to the remote server. |
Pull... Retrieve any new commits for the current repository from the remote server. |
Update to... or Checkout... Switch to a particular branch or revision in the current repository. |
Branch... Create a new branch from the currently active branch. |
Merge... Start the process of combining the target branch into the active one in the current repository. |
Tag... Create a new tag for the active branch and commit in the current repository. |
Add remote... Connect a new remote server to the current repository. |
Add subrepository... Connect another repository as a dependency for the current repository. |
View remote Open the remote server's website (if available) for the current repository. |
Create pull request... Start a pull request on the remote server for the current active branch. |
Item Actions
Open Open the selected item(s) for the current repository. |
Show in Finder Open a new Finder window with the selected item(s) for current repository highlighted. |
Open in Terminal Open a new Terminal window to the directory for the current repository. |
Quick Look Display a preview of the selected item(s)'s contents if possible. |
External diff Open the assigned application (see Preferences) to display the item's changes. |
Create patch... Save the current repository's in-progress changes as a file for transfer or later use. |
Apply patch... Take the contents of a patch (file or text) and merge them into the current repository if possible. |
Add Add the selected untracked item(s) to the current repository's index, making them available for commit. |
Remove Remove the selected item(s) from the current repository's index and on-disk; requires a commit to save. |
Add / Remove Combines the Add and Remove actions (see their entries) into a single task for all the selected item(s). |
Stop tracking Remove the selected item(s) from the current repository's index; requires a commit to complete. |
Ignore... Create entries (specific patterns, file types, or other designations) for items that should be ignored completely in the current repository. |
Commit... Ensure the selected item(s) are included in the current commit and focus the message editor, populating with a message template if available. |
Reset... or Revert... Begin reverting in-progress changes for the selected item(s). |
Reset to commit... or Revert to reversion... Begin reverting the selected item(s) to a specific point in their history. |
Continue Proceed to the next step of an in-progress action such as rebasing or grafting. |
Abort Stop an in-progress action such as rebasing or grafting. |
Log selected... Show a list of commits specific to the selected item in reverse chronological order. |
Annotate selected... Display the contents of the selected item, as lines, with the latest commit's information (author, date, metadata) alongside. |
Copy... Create a copy of the selected item(s) in the current repository using appropriate source control mechanisms. |
Move... Move the selected item(s) from one location to another (including renaming) in the current repository using appropriate source control mechanisms. |
Resolving Conflicts
Launch external merge tool Open the diff for the conflicted item(s) in the application specified in Preferences -> Diff. |
Resolve using 'mine' Choose the contents of the current branch when there's a conflict. |
Resolve using 'theirs' Choose the contents of the branch that you are merging when there's a conflict. |
Restart merge Cancel an in-progress merge. |
Mark resolved Update the selected item(s) to indicate conflicts were resolved manually. |
Mark unresolved Update the selected item(s) to indicate a conflict or other problem exists still. |
Initialize repository Configure the necessary changes to enable Git LFS for the current repository. |
Track/Untrack files... Add or remove the selected item(s) from the Git LFS index and storage when pushing. |
Pull LFS content Fetch any LFS changes from the remote for the current repository and then checkout appropriate files. |
Fetch LFS content Retrieve LFS changes from the remote for the current repository. |
Checkout LFS content Retrieve large file content from the Git LFS storage endpoint to replace existing placeholder files in the current repository. |
Prune LFS content Remove LFS item(s) that have been checked out into the current repository. This frees up space if they are unused. |
Git/Hg Flow
Initialize repository Configure Flow prefixes for the current repository. |
Next action... Begin the next Flow action based on what's currently in progress for the current repository. |
Start new feature Create a branch with the feature prefix and specified name. |
Finish feature Wrap up the in-progress Flow feature branch. |
Start new release Create a branch with the release prefix and specified name. |
Finish release Wrap up the in-progress Flow release branch. |
Start new hotfix Create a branch with the hotfix prefix and specified name. |
Finish hotfix Wrap up the in-progress Flow hotfix branch. |
Text Formatting
Header Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax for a header. |
Horizontal rule Inserts the Markdown syntax for a single line. |
Bold Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be bold. |
Italic Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be italicized. |
Bulleted list Inserts the Markdown syntax for a bullet at the start of selected text. |
Numbered list Inserts the Markdown syntax for a number sequence at the start of selected text. |
Code block Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax to be formatted as code. |
Link Wraps the selected text in Markdown syntax for a link, focused to edit the URL portion. |
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- Created in January 2018 by Brian Ganninger.