Terminal Nodes
Output debugging style information to STDOUT. Documentation. |
to Send output to Kafka topic. |
foreach Consume data and discard results (useful if you're writing a kafka-to-* service). Documentation. |
writeAsText Output debugging style information to FILE. Documentation. |
flatMap Iterator returns new object with new infor (both key and value can be altered, 0 or more records returned). Documentation. |
flatMapValue Iterator returns new value for same keys. Documentation. |
map Iterator returns new object with new infor (both key and value can be altered, 0 or more records returned). Documentation. |
mapValues Iterator returns new value for same keys. Documentation. |
join Joins two streams where key == key. Subclass ValueJoiner |
outerJoin Join but don't require BOTH streams to have record. Documentation. |
leftJoin If 'calling' or both streams have matching records, merge. If only "other" stream does, NOPE. Documentation. |
Data Flow
filter If lambda function returns true, record proceeds into pipeline. Documentation. |
selectKey Re-keys Kafka records. Documentation. |
branch Takes a vargs of Predicates. Will return records outputted to the Predicate's topic. Documentation. |
through Produces to a topic. The resulting kstream will be a producer of that same topic. Could be used to reparition data. Documentation. |
transformValues Takes ValueTransformerSupplier, gets / sets StateStore. Documentation. |